Welcome to the parish of St. Peter’s Halliwell.

Rev Alan writes…

Looking back with thanksgiving and forward with faith.

This Sunday, I am delighted to be taking part in the annual Vision Sunday for Smithills Fellowship. It’s another opportunity to look back and thank God for the marvellous achievements of the last year and look forward to all that is ahead this year.

Coming up, we have Vision Sundays at Barrow Bridge on Sun 23 Feb, and for the first time St Peter’s is on Sun 2 March.

Read more in this week’s newsletter.

Morning Service theme - Jesus and Everyday Life

Fix our eyes on Jesus 

From 12th January we begin our new 6 part series exploring Jesus’ teaching and guidance for our everyday lives and relationships. Interspersed with this will be Annual Meeting Vision services for each fellowship.

Our morning services are live-streamed and available to watch later on our YouTube channel.

Evening Sermon series - The Great Explorers

In our 6.30pm Parish-wide services at St Peter’s each Sunday, we start a new series called The Great Explorers.

The Bible is full of great explorers. We read about men and women who heard and accepted God’s call to explore throughout the pages of Scripture. Abraham “obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Esther, knowing the perils of the journey that lay before her, cried out, “If I perish, I perish.” The Apostle Paul’s expeditions included three shipwrecks! He even spent “a night and a day…adrift at sea.”

This series will examine the lives of the Bible’s great explorers and teach us to long for the great adventure every great explorer experienced when they were obedient and set out on the expedition to which God called them. 

We meet every Sunday at 6.30pm in St. Peter’s Church and the reading and talk from this service is available on our YouTube channel.


Oasis is our midweek service – a time of fellowship and friendship at St Peter’s!

Refreshments are served in the church lounge from 10.30am and at 11.30am there is a 30 minute service in church for those who would like to attend. 

Do come and join us – everyone is very welcome for part or all of our time together.

Verse of the Year 2025

Joshua asked the Israelites, “Who are you going to serve?”.

He reminded them just how much God had done for them and encouraged them by his own words: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

As we commit to serving the Lord this year, we pray together:

Lord Jesus, Thank you for the gift of the church as Jesus’ family on Jesus’ mission.
During 2025, help us to grow in our commitment to one another as your family here in St. Peter’s Parish.
Help us to grow in our commitment to your mission.
Give us strength, faith and wisdom throughout the year, to follow you and play our part in building your church and seeing your kingdom come on earth as in heaven.

St. Peter's Church

Barrow Bridge Mission

Smithills Fellowship

St. Andrew's Church

Parish Centre

St. Peter’s parish church is an impressive Grade II listed building at the heart of the parish. In the 1980’s an extension provided a lounge, kitchen and toilets and work is currently underway to provide a welcoming entrance area.

Barrow Bridge Mission is situated in an important conservation area on the edge of Bolton. The attractive community is a former model community mill village and comprises former mill owner and worker cottages.

Smithills Fellowship meets in St. Peter’s Smithills Dean CE Primary School and Smithills Hall Chapel.  The Chapel forms part of Smithills Hall and is leased from the council.

St. Andrew’s meets in the Hope Centre, which serves the Johnson Fold estate. The centre has been completely refurbished in the last 15 years, to better serve the needs of the surrounding community.

St. Peter’s Parish Centre is a hive of activity most days with church groups and other bookings.
It is also home to the administrative hub of the parish. The office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am-3pm.

St. Peter's Church

St. Peter’s parish church is an impressive Grade II listed building at the heart of the parish. In the 1980’s an extension provided a lounge, kitchen and toilets and work is currently underway to provide a welcoming entrance area.

Barrow Bridge Mission

Barrow Bridge Mission is situated in an important conservation area on the edge of Bolton. The attractive community is a former model community mill village and comprises former mill owner and worker cottages.

Smithills Fellowship

Smithills Fellowship meets in St. Peter’s Smithills Dean CE Primary School and Smithills Hall Chapel.  The Chapel forms part of Smithills Hall and is leased from the council.

St. Andrew's Church

St. Andrew’s meets in the Hope Centre, which serves the Johnson Fold estate. The centre has been completely refurbished in the last 15 years, to better serve the needs of the surrounding community.

Parish Centre

St. Peter’s Parish Centre is a hive of activity most days with church groups and other bookings.
It is also home to the administrative hub of the parish. The office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am-3pm.


At St. Peter’s Halliwell we work hard to maintain a safe environment for all. We are committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance.

If you have any concerns or enquiries regarding safeguarding, please visit our Safer Church page here for details of who to contact.