Generous God
In response to the infinite generosity that God has lavished upon us, we strive to be a generous church in all that we do. We believe that honouring God through our finances and giving him the “first fruits” of our labour is a really important part of following Him. 

Through our giving we partner with God to enable the work of his Kingdom here on earth.

Opportunities for Giving
Whether you would like to make a one-off donation or give regularly, you can choose which area of ministry you would like your gift to support.
If you don’t have a preference then giving to the General Fund supports the general expenses and hidden costs of running a busy church.

Gift Aid
If you pay Income Tax, then by gift-aiding your gift you increase its value to the church by 25%. Please make sure you complete a Gift Aid form.

Ways to Give
Our preferred way for you to give is by a standing order (for those who want to give regularly) or a bank transfer (BACS) for one-off donations or payments. 

This is because the online giving platform we use charges us a 3% fee for processing your donation and the gift aid associated with it. So for every £100 you donate using the Give Now button we only receive £97, or just over £121 if you Gift Aid it.

Online – you can give through your bank using the sort code and account number details below (preferred method).
             – you can also give online using the Give by card button.
Standing Order – you can complete a Standing Order form and send this to your bank.
Gift Aid form – you can fill this out online or print one out and send it to the Parish Office. (It’s part of the Standing Order form.)

Sunday giving – there is an opportunity to give during our Sunday services by card, cash or cheque.

St. Peter's Building Fund

In 2020, St. Peter's Church was 180 years old. Those of us worshipping here today are benefiting from the stewardship and care of previous generations. We want to make sure that St. Peter's is ready to provide a gospel platform for the next 180 years and for future generations of worshippers. These funds will be used to keep the fabric of our building in good order.

St. Peter's Church General Fund

Giving to the General Fund helps cover all our day to day ministry, staffing, administration, building costs and the Parish Share; ensuring St. Peter's Parish continues to further the gospel here in Bolton.

St. Peter's  Missionary Account

The National and International Ministry Fund supports ten Mission Partners as well as making significant gifts to projects and organisations involved in a range of mission work both locally and worldwide.

St. Peter's Youth Minister Account

We have a busy schedule of work with children and young people across the parish. Please help support this work here.

Barrow Bridge

Giving to Barrow Bridge Mission helps cover all our day-to-day ministry, building costs and the Parish Share; it also allows us to fund community events throughout the year, presenting opportunities to further the Gospel here in Bolton.

St. Peter's CAP Account

As a parish we partner with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) to run the Bolton North CAP Debt Centre. This a ministry to individuals who find themselves in unmanageable debt for whatever reason.

St. Peter's Church General Fund

Giving to the General Fund helps cover all our day to day ministry, staffing, administration, building costs and the Parish Share; ensuring St. Peter’s Parish continues to further the gospel here in Bolton.

St. Peter's Building Fund

In 2020, St. Peter’s Church was 180 years old. Those of us worshipping here today are benefiting from the stewardship and care of previous generations. We want to make sure that St. Peter’s is ready to provide a gospel platform for the next 180 years and for future generations of worshippers.
These funds will ensure we can continue to maintain a building that is fit for the future.

St. Peter's Church Missionary Account

The National and International Ministry Fund supports more than a dozen Mission Partners as well as making significant gifts to projects and organisations involved in a range of mission work both locally and worldwide.

St. Peter's Youth Minister Account

We have a busy schedule of work with children and young people across the parish. Please help support this work here.

Barrow Bridge

Giving to Barrow Bridge Mission helps cover all our day-to-day ministry, building costs and the Parish Share; it also allows us to fund community events throughout the year, presenting opportunities to further the Gospel here in Bolton.

St. Peter's CAP Account

As a parish we partner with Christians Against Poverty (CAP) to run the Bolton North CAP Debt Centre. This a ministry to individuals who find themselves in unmanageable debt for whatever reason.