
Donations and Giving

Generous God
In response to the infinite generosity that God has lavished upon us, we strive to be a generous church in all that we do. We believe that honouring God through our finances and giving him the “first fruits” of our labour is a really important part of following Him. Through our giving we partner with God to enable the work of his Kingdom here on earth.

You can click on this link to give a one-time gift by credit or debit card.

A one-off gift and regular monthly gifts can be made by BACS bank transfer. For a regular gift, you can set up a weekly or monthly standing order. Use the account details opposite.

If you pay Income Tax, then by gift-aiding your gift you increase its value to the church by 25%.
Please complete a Gift Aid form.

Account Name: St Peters Church Halliwell
Account number: 16734660
Sort Code: 16-00-06