Walking group

Work with younger children is mainly church-based with groups meeting during Sunday services,
but our Little Wiggles Toddler Group meets on Tuesday mornings in the Parish Centre.

St. Peter's


Twinklers is a session for children aged 0-4 years which takes place in the church lounge during the adult services on the first and third Sundays of the month. We do activities such as painting, glueing and playing with Play-Dough around a Bible story theme. We also have plenty of toys out for the children to play with. Our session ends with ‘Circle Time’, which involves a Bible story, prayer and singing. Children are free to come to all or part of each session and may be accompanied by their parents if desired. On the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays during the 10:30am All Age service a creche is available. It is a safe space with toys for babies and pre-school children to spend time if they need a break from the service.

St. Peter's &
Parish Centre
Lighthose logo


Lighthouse meets in the Parish Centre on the first and third Sundays of each month, starting at 10.30am. It is for schoolchildren up to year 8. Parents are reminded near the end of the service to collect their children from their Lighthouse groups.

St. Andrew's

Tots on Tuesday

This toddlers group meets on a Tuesday morning from 9.45-11.30am during term time, at the Hope Centre on Tattersall Avenue. We offer structured play, activities and trips to help children to learn, develop and prepare for school. Join us for a story time and related crafts and a healthy children’s snack. 50p donation per family. More information on our Facebook page (click the tree picture).

Barrow Bridge Mission
crowd outside Barrow Bridge Mission


The young people of Barrow Bridge Mission come together during school term time in groups for two different age groups: STARS (Seek, Trust and Receive the Saviour) for children from Reception Class up to year four JOG (Jesus Our God) for children in years 5 to 8.

Smithills Fellowship

Time Out groups

On a Sunday morning, our various Time Out groups cater for primary-school aged children on non all-age service weeks in school. Children always begin in the main service and at an appropriate point, children are then encouraged to go to their Time Out groups.

Parish Centre

Well Toddler Group

IMPORTANT: The Well Toddler Group is currently paused as we try to recruit more helpers to the team. If you think you might be able to help, please contact us. Well Toddler Group is our original toddler group which has been running consistently, with different leaders at the helm, for the last forty years. It runs on Thursday afternoons during term time from 1pm to 2.45pm. For more information click the logo on the left to contact Jane Heath.

Parish Centre
little wiggles logo

Little Wiggles

Our 'Little Wiggles' Toddlers group was launched in January 2022. We run during term time on a Tuesday morning from 10am to 11.30am from the Parish Centre. We welcome all pre-school children and their carers. We ask for a recommended donation of £1 per session including refreshments (tea/coffee for you and drinks and toast for the children). We begin our session with a circle time with 'Wiggle' our Bible bookworm. 'Wiggle' introduces everyone to our chosen theme for the day and leads us in fun praise and worship. There are plenty of toys and activities to choose from throughout the session to help to stimulate your child. We end with lots of nursery rhymes and dance.