Walking group

This summer, we are taking a group of young people from the parishes of
St Peter’s Halliwell and Christ Church Pennington to DTI (Dreaming The Impossible),
a Christian youth festival!

DTI is a 5-day festival that aims to inspire young people in their faith and walk with Jesus!
However, this trip comes at a cost; we have asked young people and their families to pay towards the ticket price (£150 per child). There are also additional costs that we as a church would like to subsidise, which is where your help comes in.

For example, coach hire, Leaders Tickets (we have a team of 11 leaders who are giving up their holiday to run this trip, and as a church we want to support the work they are doing as much as possible.
We would like to subsidise the cost of some of the food and any young people whose families may struggle to afford the total ticket price. Since last year the cost of attending DTI has increased and we are taking 31 young people which is over double the amount that we took last year.
This means more food and bigger transport!

We are looking for around £3500 to cover these costs, and we will be doing some fundraising events over May & June (details for these also below) but you can also donate HERE if you would like to give a one-off donation to support this amazing cause. Any extra funds will go towards general youth ministry related funds to support the work we do with our young people.
Taking young people away to festivals like this and giving them space to encounter Jesus in a way that is relevant to them is life changing and we always have incredible stories to share when we come back.
We ask that you prayerfully consider this amazing cause and any support to help the trip happen will be greatly appreciated. We can’t wait to share what we get up to this year with you all when we get back!

Best Regards,

Ben Latham (St Peter’s Parish, Halliwell)
Alison Urquhart (Christ Church Pennington)