Verse of the year 2025

Joshua asked the Israelites, “Who are you going to serve?”.

He reminded them just how much God had done for them and encouraged them by his own words: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

As we commit to serving the Lord this year, we pray together:

Lord Jesus, Thank you for the gift of the church as Jesus’ family on Jesus’ mission.
During 2025, help us to grow in our commitment to one another as your family here in St. Peter’s Parish.
Help us to grow in our commitment to your mission.
Give us strength, faith and wisdom throughout the year, to follow you and play our part in building your church and seeing your kingdom come on earth as in heaven.

Fix Our Eyes on Jesus

Fix our eyes on Jesus 
Much of last year’s teaching in our sermons focussed on what it means to be part of Jesus’ Church.
This brought us to an understanding that the church belongs to Jesus, that we are his possession, and that we relate to each other as his family, and that we are called to join his mission. We summarised the definition of church as Jesus’ family on Jesus’ Mission and have looked at the five ways we can commit to this through our giving, meeting, serving, baptism and sharing, and prayer.
Now, as we move into a New Year, we will start to explore more deeply Jesus’ teaching and guidance for our everyday lives and relationships. It is often challenging and causes us to re-evaluate our attitudes, choices and behaviour. It is a call to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrew 12:2). We will learn that Jesus taught “as one with authority” (Matthew 7:28-29). We will seek to surrender our own authority and autonomy to live under Jesus’ authority.
In this series, Jesus and Everyday Life, we will look at Jesus’ teaching on the practical matters of everyday life. What did Jesus say about money, poverty, forgiveness, relationships, and how to deal with broken relationships?
The series has 6 talks, over the 8 weeks leading to Lent. The talks will be punctuated by a special Mission Sunday where evangelists from the Message Trust will speak at all our services in the morning and evening. And we will also hold Annual Meeting Vision services at each fellowship.