4 churches 1 parish

October 2020

Dear Friends,

This is just a short update of the work of Good News for Romania in the difficult year of 2020! Sadly, Covid-19 has affected lots of things this year, not least, lots of cancellations of fund raising events and our planned trip to Barlad in August. However, the work has continued. Thanks to amazing supporters, we have been able to continue to provide food, gas for cooking and help where needed each month. The Rosca family has had water installed on their land, so instead of them having to go the well for water, they now have a stand pipe, they are thrilled. Also, their home is collapsing and urgent work is needed so we are in the process of getting that sorted at the minute. We continue to work with the Association of Delia’s Friends, supporting disabled children who are in foster care or who come from the orphanage to the Delia Centre (a day centre) in Barlad where they get help with their education and physical needs. It is wonderful to see how much they are thriving getting the help they need. Sadly, disabled children are known as the forgotten children as there is no provision for their education. We are currently wrapping Christmas presents for each child that we support including those who go to the centre (45 children). We are collecting NEW underwear and socks, sweets and chocolate so that the children will know they are not forgotten in these difficult times. The boxes will leave Bolton around the 18th November and arrive in Barlad in plenty of time for Christmas. Thank you all for your support, we could not do this work without you! If you would like more information, please do get in touch. God bless. David & Kath xxx

Read the original here!